(header photographs by Harry Waite 1912-2011)

The Myth of the Sacred Brumby






Bernie Peach
from "Sing with the Wind"
Published by Envirobook 1989


Bungonia Gorge

You call it grand;
'Look down," you say, and stand and stare,
Half fearful of the darkness there,
Of limestone drop and driving air,
And grip the rail
With fingers chill as Autumn host
And know yourself a fragment tossed
Within the arms of space and lost
Yes, it is grand:
'Look up," you say, and point to where
You gripped the rail and paused to stare,
A pygmy on the summit there;
And turn away,
To clamber where the ages slept
And changing time her torment left
In granite tears within the cleft.
Bernard W Peach
"Into The Blue"
June 1950

Blind Child At Echo Point

The sun is a lamp to your hand
Guiding along dark corridors
To a distant, splendid land;
Warming the wind on your face
That breathes the unseen
Brown rock, the green tree grace;
Bearing a hint of incense, too,
Of wet wood moss and drowning leaf
And eucalyptus drawn through
A sieve of spiralled air;
Child, how much more do you see
than the fat man standing there
Who turns away, regretting his taxi fare.
Bernard W Peach
"Into The Blue"
November 1961

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